SOTN PBEM Nostromo - Player Journals

Turn 2
Dear Journal                                                 
        I shake my head in disbelief at the number of so called scientists 
who are rushing about this amazing continent in canoes or on horseback.    
How the devil they expect to study anything without a careful examination  
of the terrain is beyond me.  Slow but steady, my dearest Elsbeth always   
says, and that is what I plan on doing.                                    
        I am confident that my sources are correct in that the location of 
the Elephant's Graveyard is with in the reach of a cautious, well prepared 
expedition.  I realize that this is my first time in the Dark Continent 
but I am not some bumpkin sheep chaser from the highlands.  My confidence 
and spirits are high.  We will continue at a normal marching pace to the 
NW where any natives I meet will be treated very fairly and showered with     
gifts to insure their future friendship.                                   
