SOTN PBEM Nostromo - Player Journals

August 1st, 1838 (Turn 1)
August 8th, 1838 (Turn 2)
August 15th, 1838 (Turn 3)
August 22nd 1838 (Turn 4)
August. 1st, 1838.

We left Khartoum and hurried quickly upstream against a sluggish      
current. We do expect to be above the cataracts before we camp for    
the night. The journey is boring and uneventful, the only             
entertainment afforded is that of my trusty schauser Babs Ameil       
continually yipping and yapping at nothing, and nipping at the heels  
of the local ner-do-wells, ruffians and sluggards that we hired for a 
pittance! Have to watch the lot of them or they'l rob me blind.       
"Well done Babs!", she's just latched on to another of the            
Blighters!..."Good Hound, and paddle, you worthless commoners"        

August 8th  1838 (Turn 2)
We've camped above the cataracts on the Blue Nile. The sky at night
was clear as crystal, so clear I was certain that I would soon see         
Orion spring to life, leap or' the Mountains of the Moon wield his         
fearsome club and pound to bullybeef the heathen bearer bastard            
coughing and hacking through the night. If I could have him throttled      
without upsetting the rest of the bounders I would! Next expedition,       
I DO NOT hire entire families as slav.... er, bearers. To hard to put      
one aside, if you know what I mean, when they are causing you to lose      
a good nights sleep!                                                       
"Higgins, up you get lad! Go stuff a sock in that rag-a-muffins            
mouth, I do need my sleep"                                                 
We are to head upstream to the south east, and then southwest, if          
possible, but following the river in any case. We shall see what the       
day brings.                                                                

August 15th  1838 (Turn 3)
Harumph...another damnable cataract, damned inconvenient. I think I  
actually blistered my heel on this one. And poor little Babs Amiel  was 
damn near drowned in an eddy! She was being carried up stream by  one of 
the trolls who pass as bearers when she playfully decided to  nip at his 
ear. Well the lout lets out a great bellow and leaps into  the river with 
my poor puppy attached to the side of his bloody head!  Then all hell 
broke loose as everyone dropped their loads and rushed  to the waters 
edge. A few of the braver sort went into the water to  save the fellow, I 
soon set them straight with a few well placed  rounds between them and 
the struggling coward...they rescued Babs  first, as should have been 
done. He looked well able to swim to me!

As they pumped the water from his lungs I felt a twinge of pity and  
decided to give Babs a fresh bone to chew upon. Good old Babs, I  
wouldn't have know what to do with out her! 

"Higgins lad! Tell Perkins to have Wiggins inform Jenkins that they  are 
to get the half drowned sod on his feet, or throw him back in   the 
river! We push on.. NOW!"

August 22nd  1838 (Turn 4)

That will teach me for spending a week in the company of my pipe!
I come around and find that the whole bloody expedition has come to a 
ruddy halt!!! Can these incompetants do nothing correctly without my 

"Higgins locate Perkins, and if you accomplish that, the both of you 
get in here and tell me what has happened"... off he goes. I was 
sitting blissfully staring up river stroking Bab's belly and thought, 
what better time then this for some innocent diversion. Nothing 
better then warm sun and a to the brim hookah. Though the Fuzzy Wuzzy 
girl who looked after Babs Amiel was a looker, I paid little 
attention to her, only trouble would come of that.

Higgens and Perkins arrived and gave me some cockamayme explanation 
of the river ending will I was "asleep". "Bull twadle" says I "you 
idiots lost the damned river, it didn't end! Now get Wiggins and 
Jenkins and get everyone turned about and headed back to the forks at 
Khartoum....Move your arrses, we make for the White Nile at top 

And you girl, find my blasted puppy and cover yourself......
