Republic of Rome PBEM Reports
Symbols for use in Status and History Pages
*** Manus - Faction name (if underlined it is also a Mail link)
L         - Faction Leader
M O L I P - Mil Ora Loy Inf Pop
pc        - Prior Consul
-RC-      - Rome Consul
-FC-      - Field Consul
-CE-      - Censor
-DI-      - Dictator
-MH-      - Master of Horse
+PC+      - Proconsul
--PM--    - Pontifex Maximus 
#Kni      - # Knights
P         - Priest
"name"    - Concession
(prov:#)  - Governor of Province(prov): # = Term
            province name lower case - undeveloped
            province name UPPER case - developed
(war)     - Commander at War 
Gov       - Recently Returned Governor
Cor       - Corrupt Senator 
LA        - Legion Allegiance
+Tri      - Statesman's Free Tribune (- = used,+ = unused)
+Veto     - Pontifex Maximus' Free Veto (- = used,+ = unused)
#t        - # Talents

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Last updated: 30 January 2004
Symbols derived from Joan Carles Artes' Report Symbols
Slightly modified and colorized by Lou Jerkich