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|_| \_\___/ \__,_|\__,_|___/  \___/\/ |____/ \___/ \__,_|\__|___/ [v3.5]

Roads & Boats PBEM Quick Guide v3.6
Last Update: 05/09/06
Written by Aaron Marriner (amarriner@amarriner.com)
Includes the Planes & Trains Expansion

Table of Contents:

    i. Introduction
    I. Turn Phases
       a. (Re)Production Phase
       b. Movement Phase
       c. Build Phase
       d. Wonder Phase
   II. Map Hexes
  III. Transporters
   IV. Airplanes
    V. Trains
   VI. Primary Producers
  VII. Secondary Producers
 VIII. Other Builds
   IX. Research
    X. Conflicts
   XI. Victory Conditions
  XII. Strategy (Things to keep in mind)


i. Introduction:

 "Roads and Boats is like Ravel's Bolero compared with most 
  games' 1812 Overture"
    -- Ben Baldanza, Counter Magazine 05/2000

 Roads & Boats is a terrific game from the Dutch company Splotter Games. 
 It was first released in 1999, and subsequently re-released in 2000. The
 main difference between releases (from what I can gather) is that the
 initial release contained a glass or hard plastic 'cover' to draw the 
 roads on. While the second edition contains a roll of plastic. In 2003
 Splotter released the third version of the game. Again, there weren't 
 many significant rule changes. The pieces and hexes were updated with
 new designs, however.

 Planes & Trains was released in 2001 as an expansion set to the original
 Roads & Boats game. It included Airplanes, Trains, Bombs, and Bomb 

 During the game, players generate goods and  build factories which in turn
 produce more goods for more factories, and so on until they're able to
 generate 'scoring' goods (Gold, Coins, and Stock Shares). It's quite a
 long game, and can be very rewarding. The quote from Ben Baldanza is a 
 very, very good one line description of the game. There is a lot of 
 careful planning that goes into your play.

 This Guide is mainly for the PBEM games that I've been playing in and
 running, but can certainly work just as well for the face to face game.
 Each player picks a starting hex, or takes one of the indicated starting 
 hexes from the scenario they're playing. Their house counter is placed there
 along with three Donkeys, five Boards, one Stone, and two Geese. From these
 humble beginnings, they can build any of the other buildings, and produce 
 all of the other goods in the game ... eventually.

 No one owns the goods produced. The only time a player can claim to own
 something is when one of their transporters is carrying it. During the game, 
 they use their transporters to move goods around the map, build factories,
 and contribute goods to the Wonder.

I. Turn Phases:

Ia. (Re)Production
 + All Primary Producers generate output
 + All Secondary Producers generate output <= their Max. if the
   appropriate input is present
 + If exactly 2 Geese or exactly 2 Donkeys are present on an empty Plains
   hex, 1 Goose or Donkey (respectively) is produced
 + For livestock to reproduce, they cannot be carrying any goods.
 + An empty Plains hex is one that has no buildings (excluding a player
   home), no goods, and no other transporters on it. Roads and Walls
   do not prevent reproduction, but no reproduction can occur across Rivers
 + When mines are built, they are filled with 3 Gold and 3 Iron. Solitaire
   mine rules will be in effect, namely the Mine will produce whichever
   good it has more of. If there is an equal amount of Gold and Iron in a 
   mine, it will produce Gold

Ib. Movement
 + Wagons and Trucks can only move on roads
 + Donkeys cannot move once on a hex without a road, and once on a hex
   with a road during a single turn. If they want the road movement bonus,
   they must use roads exclusively.
 + Rafts, Rowboats, and Steamers can only move on rivers or sea hexes
 + It costs Boats 1 movement point to dock/disembark to/from a shoreline
 + Boats may not dock and subsequently disembark in the same turn.
 + Boats may disembark and subsequently dock in the same turn.
 + Geese will follow a players transporter if the player wishes,
   otherwise they remain in the hex (they can also be carried normally)
 + Players may pickup/drop off goods in a hex without expending movement
   points. They may do this at any point during movement. Thus, a player
   could pick up 1 Stone, move 1 hex, drop 1 Stone, pick up 1 Board, and
   move again.
 + A player may not move the same good with more than 1 of
   their transporters in a turn. For example, a player could not pick up 1
   Stone with a donkey, move 1 hex, drop the Stone, pick up the SAME
   Stone with a raft, and move it again. This is illegal. However, if 
   another player picked up the stone the donkey dropped, they could move
   it normally.

Ic. Build
 + Players can build factories, mines, roads, etc. if the appropriate 
   goods are present in a hex containing one of their transporters
 + Only one building may be built per hex (Players Houses don't count
   towards this total)
 + Nothing may be built on Desert hexes

Id. Wonder
 + Players may place their own bricks for a price (1 brick = 1 good, 
   2 bricks = 3 goods, 3 bricks = 6 goods, etc.). After all players have
   finished, a white brick is placed.
 + Only goods that are in the hex that contains your house can be used to
   buy Wonder bricks. Also, that hex must contain at least one of your
 + Starting with the 18th brick, every brick on the Wonder costs 1 extra
 + Once the 45th brick is placed on the Wonder, the players discover
   irrigation. All desert hexes are converted into Plains.
 + New bricks are always placed in the lowest and leftmost empty space on 
   the wall.

II. Map Hexes:

Light Green: Plains
Dark Green : Woods
Gray       : Rock
Brown      : Mountain
Blue       : Sea
Yellow     : Desert

III. Transporters:

Transporter   Capacity     Movement Points
------------- ------------ ----------------
Donkey        2 Goods      1 (2 if on road)
Wagon         3 Goods      3
Truck         6 Goods      4
Raft          3 Goods      3
Rowboat       5 Goods      4
Steamer       8 Goods      6
Airplane      4 Goods      (see Airplane section)

 + A player may never have more than 8 transporters at one time. If a
   transporter is created such that there are greater than 8, one must
   be destroyed.
 + A player may never have more than 5 land transporters at one time.
 + A player may never have more than 5 water transporters at one time.
 + A player may never have more than 3 Airplanes at one time.
 + Airplanes do not count as land or water transporters, but do count
   towards the 8 transporter limit.

In addition, transporters may carry other transporters. A few stipulations
apply, though:

 + A transporter may be picked up during the (Re)Production phase or the
   Movement phase.
 + The carried transporter may not have moved during any turn in which it
   was picked up.
 + A transporter can only be dropped of at the beginning of the movement
   phase, and may move normally during that phase.
 + A water transporter can never be left on an all land hex.
 + Neither transporter may be carrying anything else.

IV. Airplanes:

 + Airplanes may not pick up goods during the (Re)Production Phase.
 + Airplanes may never carry other transporters.
 + Airplanes may be carried by other transporters.
 + When building/demolishing Walls from sea hexes, Airplanes suffer the
   same penalties as water Transporters.
 + During the Movement Phase, Airplanes have two choices:
   -> Taxi - An Airplane using this option has 1 Movement Point.
           - The Airplane must move using Roads.
           - An Airplane cannot carry goods (geese may follow).
           - May move between sea hexes, but may not move from sea
             to land or vice versa.
   -> Fly  - The Airplane may load up to 4 Goods, and then take off.
           - The Airplane may drop the Goods on any land tile on the
             board. All of the Goods don't have to be dropped in the
             same hex.
           - Goods dropped in this manner may be picked up immediatly
             by a transporter owned by the same player as the Airplane.
             Other players have to wait until their turn.
           - At the end of its movement, an Airplane must land on a
             tile that doesn't contain a building and doesn't contain
             unattended Geese (Geese not carried by a transporter).
           - Airplanes can ALWAYS land on tiles containing an Airport.
           - Airplanes may land on sea hexes.
           - Walls, Roads, Transporters, and Goods (other than unattended
             Geese) do not hinder flying or landing Airplanes.
           - Airplanes do not need to drop all their Goods before landing.
           - Geese can follow flying Airplanes as they would any other

V. Trains:

 + Railroad Tracks are placed on the map before the game begins.
 + Railroad Tracks cannot be built during the game.
 + Trains run along Tracks, and a Transporter who starts their movement
   phase on a Track hex can use a Train for 1 Good (of any type).
 + The Transporter cannot have moved prior to using the Train.
 + The Good used to purchase the Train Fare cannot have moved prior
   to using the Train.
 + The Transporter cannot move after disembarking the Train.
 + A Transporter using a Train can move to any tile connected to its 
   current tile by Tracks.
 + A Transporter may carry Goods while on the Train.
 + Geese may follow a Transporter on a Train.
 + Transporters may carry other Transporters on a Train.
 + Tracks on River and Coastal hexes connect all shores on the same side 
   of the River. Docked ships and ships in Rivers may use the Train
   to move to the River or other shores.
 + If a Track exists on a Sea hex, a Land Transporter may not end its turn
   on that hex. Nor may the Land Transporter use the Tracks to cross
   the sea hex without using the Train.

VI. Primary Producers:

Primary producers must be built on specific terrain.

Building           Needed to Build     Terrain            Product
------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ----------------
Woodcutter         1 Board             Woods              1 Trunk
Oil-Rig *          3 Board & 1 Stone   Sea                1 Fuel
Quarry             2 Board             Rock               1 Stone
Clay Pit           3 Board             Shore              1 Clay
Mine               3 Board & 1 Stone   Mountain           1 Gold or 1 Iron

*  Requires research.

VII. Secondary Producers:

Building           Needed to Build     Input              Output     (Max.)
------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ---------  ------
Sawmill            2 Board & 1 Stone   1 Trunk            2 Board    (6)
Coal Burner **     3 Board             2 Trunk/Board      1 Fuel     (6)
Papermill **       1 Board & 1 Stone   2 Trunk/Board      1 Paper    (1)
Stone Factory      2 Board             1 Clay             2 Stone    (6)
Mint               2 Board & 1 Stone   1 Fuel & 2 Gold    1 Coin     (1)
Stock Exchange     3 Stone             1 Paper & 2 Coin   1 Share    (6)
Wagon Factory      2 Board & 1 Stone   1 Donkey & 2 Board 1 Wagon    (1)
Truck Factory *    2 Board & 2 Stone   1 Fuel & 1 Iron    1 Truck    (1)
Raft Factory       1 Board & 1 Stone   2 Trunk            1 Raft     (1)
Rowboat Factory *  2 Board & 1 Stone   5 Board            1 Rowboat  (1)
Steamer Factory *  2 Board & 2 Stone   2 Fuel & 1 Iron    1 Steamer  (1)
Research           n/a                 2 Geese & 1 Paper  1 Research
Bomb Factory       2 Board & 1 Stone   1 Fuel & 1 Iron    1 Bomb     (1)
Airport            2 Stone             2 Board & 1 Goose  1 Airplane (1)

*  Requires research.
** Any combination of Trunk and/or Board that equal 2 total goods.

VIII. Other Builds:

Product             Requirement
------------------  --------------------
Road                1 Stone (constructed between two hexes)
Bridge              1 Stone (constructed over rivers)
New Mine Shaft *    1 Iron & 1 Fuel (on an existing mine)
Wall                1 Stone (constructed on the border of two hexes; 
                             only the builing player may pass through
                             a wall; +2 to build from sea hex; can be
                             stacked on neutral Walls; cost is number of 
                             walls already built +1) 
Demolish Wall       2 Board (+2 if demolishing from a sea hex; to demolish 
                             a stack of walls, cost is total number of
                             walls + 1; When a Wall is demolished a 
                             neutral Wall is put in it's place)
Destroy Building    1 Bomb
Bomb-Proof Building 1 Stone

*  Requires research.

IX. Research:

These can be researched in any order. A player cannot combine Specialized 
Mines with Large Mines.

Research           Result
------------------ --------------------------
Rowboat Factory *  Allows building of Rowboat Factories
Truck Factory   *  Allows building of Truck Factories
Steamer Factory *  Allows building of Steamer Factories
Oil-Rig            Allows building of Oil-Rigs
Specialized Mines  Allows mines to produce only gold or only fuel 
                   (4 Gold/0 Iron or 0 Gold/4 Iron)
                   (if so desired; can still produce normally as well)
Large Mines        Allows more gold/fuel per mine shaft 
                   (5 Gold/5 Iron)
                   (if so desired; can still produce normally as well)
Extra Mine Shafts  Allows extra mine shafts to be built (refill the mine)

* If you have a transporter in a hex with the same type of factory you 
  just researched (Land or Water) this turn, then you can upgrade the old 
  factory to the new one for free. You don't need the resources normally 
  required to build the new factory; you can upgrade it for free.

*** NOTE: You cannot combine Specialized Mines with Large Mines.

X. Conflicts:

It's important to remember that goods which are not on a players
transporter, are not owned by anyone. Therefore, even if the Red Player
built a Woodcutter, the Black Player could pick up the Trunk produced by
said Woodcutter if he/she got there first. When two players are both going
for the same good on the same hex (or building order needs to be
determined), players consult the move order. A move order will be
established at the beginning of the game. At the end of the Wonder phase
of any turn, a player may request that a new move order be generated. 
Beginning with the player currently last in the order, players choose 
which position they'd like to be in the new order. When a player picks 
their position for the new order, the next to last player in the current 
order picks their new position and so on.

*** NOTE: This is different than the actual rules.

XI. Victory Conditions:

Once a brick is placed on the Wonder space that corresponds to the number 
of players in the game, the game ends. The player with the highest number 
of points wins.

For each good on a player's transporter:
 * 10  pts. per Gold
 * 40  pts. per Coin
 * 120 pts. per Share

Also, a player scores points for having bricks on the Wonder. You get a
certain score depending on how many bricks you have on a row of the

       0  1  2  3  4  5+
 1  | 10  5  3  2  2  1
 2  | 10  6  5  4  3  2
 3  | 10  7  6  5  4  -
 4  | 10  8  6  5  -  -
 5+ | 10  8  7  -  -  -

(rows are the number of bricks you have on a row of the Wonder, the
columns are the number of other non-neutral bricks on the row of the

XII. Strategy (Things to keep in mind):

 * You MUST build a Woodcutter, and a Sawmill with your starting
   resources. If you don't you will quickly fall behind in development, as
   you wont be able to produce boards.

 * Breed your inital two geese. Don't use them up on research before
   breeding a few new ones. Otherwise, you'll need to send a transporter
   over to a rival's area to steal theirs.

 * Carefully plan what research you want to do. Don't research everything
   if you don't need to, or if don't plan on using it. Extra geese can be a
   great way to add bricks to the Wonder once you're done with your 

 * In games where you choose your starting position, try to find a cluster
   of three hexes that contain a Woods hex, a Rock hex, and a Plains hex.
   If you can position your starting hex adjacent to these three, it will
   make setting up your basic resources much easier and much quicker

 * Always be aware of the proximity of your opponent's transporters. With
   an order change it's possible for them to sneak in and grab a good or
   two you were counting on using. Make sure to build walls to protect 
   valuable areas.

 * Walls can also be used to disrupt your opponent's infrastructure.
   Placing a wall between their Woodcutter and Sawmill can really be a
   nuisance, for example.

Roads & Boats is (c) 1999-2000 Splotter Games
Planes & Trains is (c) 2001 Splotter Games
Roads & Boats FAQ
Roads & Boats PBEM Quick Guide is (c) 2002-2003 Aaron Marriner
Roads & Boats PBEM Home